Future Home Links
The links on this page lead to the best Web sites in this subject area. All are rated and reviewed. If you don't see what you're looking for in the list below, don't despair. We may have recently discovered your dream site and added it to the updated links collection we maintain on the Web. To see the updated lists, and other features for the home improver, go to Home Central at http://www.homecentral.com/home by clicking the button on the right.

The Audubon Society--Building for an Environmental Future
Even the oldest buildings can be renovated to achieve minimum impact on the environment. The Audubon Society did it with their 19th century Manhattan headquarters, and they'll tell you how to do the same with your home.

Electronic House Magazine
Better living through home automation. Here are some ideas on how to put technology to work for you at home and where to get the products for the job. (Preview)

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network at the U.S. Dept. of Energy
Lacking in pizzazz but ripe with resources, the U.S.D.E provides an abundance of insight into alternative energies.

Solstice: Sustainable Energy and Development Online
If you're looking for ways to "green" your home, check out the pages on this site about the Greening of the White House. There could be a Presidential Seal of Approval in your future.